Past Reading List

Please find below our reading list from Sep 2010, when we properly got started, right up to December 2015, which is as far in advance as our reading list is set. I hope this helps.

                                                                  2nd, 4th or 5th
Date     - Title                         - Author               - Monday of the month


Jul 2016 - MIND FUCK SEASON The End of Mr Y - Scarlett Thomas - 2nd The Man Who Fell To Earth - Walter Tevis - 4th Jun 2016 - MIND FUCK SEASON Fremder - Russell Hoban - 2nd May 2016 - Starship Troopers - Robert A. Heinlein - 2nd 4th Apr 2016 - The Bone Clocks - Joan D. Vinge - 5th Apr 2016 - The Snow Queen - Joan D. Vinge - 2nd 4th Mar 2016 - The Long Way to a Small, - Becky Chambers - 2nd 4th Angry Planet Feb 2016 - MIND FUCK SEASON - Philip K. Dick 🧠 The Three Stigmata of - 2nd Palmer Eldritch 😢 Flow, My Tears - 4th the Policeman Said 📻 A Scanner Darkly - 5th Jan 2016 - Vurt - Jeff Noon - 2nd 4th


Dec 2015 - DUNE - (Charity Event) - Frank Herbert - 2nd MR PRESIDENT'S 4RD ANNUAL BOOK CHOICE Nov 2015 - - - 2nd 4th Oct 2015 - - - 2nd 4th Sep 2015 - - - 2nd 4th Aug 2015 - The Southern Reach Trilogy - Jeff VanderMeer Pt 1. Annihilation - 2nd Pt 2. Authority - 4th Pt 3. Acceptance - 5th Jul 2015 - - - 2nd 4th Jun 2015 - - - 2nd 4th May 2015 - Synners - Pat Cadigan - 2nd 4th Apr 2015 - The Unit - Ninni Holmqvist - 2nd 4th Mar 2015 - Solaris - Stanislaw Lem - 2nd 4th Feb 2015 - Embassytown - China Mieville - 2nd 4th Jan 2015 - A Calculated Life - Anne Charnock - 2nd 4th PHILIP K. DICK AWARD FINALIST


Dec 2014 - XMAS 2014 PARTY - EVERYBODY - 2nd Dec 2014 - The Man In A High Castle - Philip K. Dick - 2nd MR PRESIDENT'S 3RD ANNUAL BOOK CHOICE Nov 2014 - Player of Games - Iain M. Banks - 2nd 4th Oct 2014 - Women Destroy Science Fiction - Various - 2nd 4th Our 1St SF Magazine Book Choice Sep 2014 - Lexicon - Max Barry - 2nd 4th Aug 2014 - Ancillary Justice - Ann Leckie - 2nd 4th Jul 2014 - The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson - 2nd 4th Jun 2014 - Old Man's War - John Skalzi - 2nd 4th May 2014 - The Machine - James Smythe - 2nd 4th Apr 2014 - Lilith's Brood - Octavia Butler - 2nd 4th Mar 2014 - Childhood End - Arthur C. Clarke - 4th Mar 2014 - 2001: A Space Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarke - 2nd Feb 2014 - The Possibility of an Island - Michel Houellebecq - 2nd 4th Jan 2014 - Women On the Edge of Time - Marge Piercy - 2nd 4th


Dec 2013 - XMAS 2013 PARTY - EVERYBODY - 2nd Dec 2013 - Light - M. John Harrison - 2nd MR PRESIDENT'S 2ND ANNUAL BOOK CHOICE Nov 2013 - The Hydrogen Sonata - Iain M. Banks - 2nd 4th Oct 2013 - The Not Yet - Moira Crone - 2nd 4th PHILIP K. DICK AWARD FINALIST Sep 2013 - Fall of Hyperion - Dan Simmons - 5th Sep 2013 - Hyperion - Dan Simmons - 2nd 4th Aug 2013 - Dark Eden - Chris Beckett - 2nd 4th ARTHUR C. CLARKE AWARD WINNER 2013 Jul 2013 - The Uplift War - David Brin - 5th Jul 2013 - Startide Rising - David Brin - 2nd 4th Jun 2013 - Ammonite - Nicola Griffith - 2nd 4th May 2013 - The Carpet Makers - Andreas Eschbach - 2nd 4th Apr 2013 - Sundiver - David Brin - 5th Apr 2013 - The Puppet Masters - Robert A. Heinlein - 2nd 4th Mar 2013 - Floating Worlds - Cecelia Holland - 2nd 4th Feb 2013 - The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. Le Guin - 2nd 4th Jan 2013 - In Conquest Born - Celia S. Friedman - 2nd 4th


Dec 2012 - XMAS 2012 PARTY - EVERYBODY - 2nd Dec 2012 - The Stars My Destination - Alfred Bester - 2nd MR PRESIDENT'S 1ST ANNUAL BOOK CHOICE Nov 2012 - Fatherland - Robert Harris - 2nd 4th Oct 2012 - Flowers for Algernon - Daniel Keyes - 5th Oct 2012 - Grass - Sheri S. Tepper - 2nd 4th Sep 2012 - The Separation - Christopher Priest - 2nd 4th Aug 2012 - The Quantum Thief - Hannu Rajaniemi - 2nd 4th Jul 2012 - Altered Carbon - Richard Morgan - 5th Jul 2012 - Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell - 2nd 4th Jun 2012 - The Mount - Carol Emshwiller - 2nd 4th May 2012 - Natural History - Justina Robson - 2nd 4th Apr 2012 - Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. LeGuin - 5th Apr 2012 - Use of Weapons - Iain M. Banks - 2nd 4th Mar 2012 - A Princess of Mars - Edgar Rice Burroughs - 5th Mar 2012 - Speed of Dark - Elizabeth Moon - 2nd 4th Feb 2012 - Do Androids Dream of Electric - Philip K. Dick - 2nd 4th Sheep (Blade Runner) Jan 2012 - The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood - 2nd 4th


Dec 2011 - XMAS 2011 PARTY - EVERYBODY - 2nd Dec 2011 - City - Clifford D. Simak - 2nd Nov 2011 - Frankenstein - Mary Shelly - 2nd 4th Oct 2011 - The Children of God - Mary Doria Russell - 2nd Oct 2011 - The Sparrow - Mary Doria Russell - 2nd 4th Sep 2011 - Ubik - Philip K. Dick - 2nd 4th Aug 2011 - Babel-17/Empire Star - Samuel R. Delany - 2nd Jul 2011 - A Deepness in the Sky - Vernor Vinge - 2nd Jun 2011 - Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut - 2nd May 2011 - A Fire Upon the Deep - Vernor Vinge - 2nd Apr 2011 - The Vor Game - Lois McMaster Bujold - 2nd Mar 2011 - Never Let Me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro - 2nd Feb 2011 - Lord of Light - Roger Zelazny - 2nd Jan 2011 - Day of the Triffids - John Whyndham - 2nd


Dec 2010 - Eon - Greg Bear - 2nd Nov 2010 - ManPlus - Fredrik Phol - 2nd Oct 2010 - The City and The City - China Miéville - 2nd Sep 2010 - The Windup Girl - Paolo Bacigalupi - 2nd

There is of course one meeting prior to Sep 2010 which is not listed but you can read about it here.

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