Three high school friends gain the superhuman abilities of telekinesis, flight, and invulnerability after making an incredible discovery in a mysterious crater. Soon, though, they find their lives spinning out of control and their bond tested as one of them, Andrew Detmer, embraces his darker side.
Den of Geek gives it 5/5 stars [LINK (] while [LINK (] and SFX [LINK (] have both given it 4/5 stars.
The Plan
5.30pm – Meet for a little light food at Icco which is near to the cinema (see below)
6.30pm – See the early evening screening of the film
8.30pm – After the film lets head to The Fitzroy Tavern for some socialising and banter.
Odeon Tottenham Court Road
[Booking Link (]
Meeting: From 5:30pm at Icco Pizza near Goodge Street
[link (]
Film: 6:30 approx
Pub: 8:30
Nearest Tube:
Goodge Street – Northern Line
Tottenham Court Road – Central Line
The Fitzroy Tavern
16 Charlotte Street, London, W1T 2LY (
020 7580 3714
[link (,0,14671138661998480920)]